Karen Yeung
Graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 2001. In the following year, she continued her further study on the modern bassoon at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam (CvA) under Mr. Ronald Karten, Principal Bassoon of the Royal Concertgebouvw Orchestra and Ms. Donna Agrell, bassoonist of the Orchestra of the 18th Century, on the baroque bassoon to research in early music performance method.She performed with the Oboe Band and Sweelink Baroque Orchestra of the CvA’s Early Music Department coached by renowned musicologists and early music specialists Alfredo Bernardini and Lucy van Dual.Yeung had participated as active student and performed at the masterclass of the extraordinary Italian bassoon virtuoso, Sergio Azzolini in 1999 at the Academy of Sion, Switerland.Yeung founded Concerto da Camera in 2004, an active chamber music ensemble which gives concerts throughout Hong Kong’s concert halls. Concerto da Camera has presented their 5th Anniversary Celebration Concert at the Hong Kong City Hall in 2009, and premiere its commissioned piece - “ A Touch of the Way”, composed by Prof. Clarence Mak (Head of Composition Department of the HKAPA). Concerto da Camera has launched their education programmes in 2008, giving concert tours at local kindergartens, primary and secondary schools to promote classical music, as well as giving chamber music workshops, participating as one of the art education organization in Hong Kong.
楊嘉倫 巴松管
楊嘉倫熱衷於演奏室內樂作品,於2004年創辦了雅樂合奏團,策劃了多場與別不同、俱創意、有藝術價值及教育意義的音樂會,到各表演場地及學校進行公開演 出並獲好評,大力推廣古典音樂室內樂作品欣賞。 楊氏亦於2010年創辦了香港巴松管學院,提供一個學習巴松管的平台,學院學生在音樂比賽及考試成績優異 。
楊嘉倫於2001年畢業於香港演藝學院,隨後在荷蘭阿姆斯特丹音樂學院跟隨荷蘭皇家音樂廳管弦樂團巴松管首席Ronald Karten 深造。楊氏亦跟隨十八世紀古樂團巴松管手Donna Agrell修讀巴羅克巴松管。

Nguyen Bao Anh A.R.C.M
Principal Bassoon with the Daejeon Philharmonic Orchestra, South Korea from 2005 to 2010. Whilst there he participated in numerous commercial recordings, and with appearances in many important live television broadcasts of orchestral works, via the National Broadcasting network, namely Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring, Tchaikovsky’s 4th,5th symphonies, Britten’s War requiem, Messiaen Turangalila symphony, Richard Strauss’s Symphonic poems, etc.
Solo performances with the Deajeon Philharmonic Orchestra include, Mozart’s Bassoon Concerto, Sinfonia concertante, Haydn’s sinfonia concertante, Vivaldi’s Bassoon Concertos, with other intensive chamber music works with principal players from the orchestra.
He is a founder member of the Happy Bassoon quintet (Seoul) 제 8회 정기연주회 Professional performance ensemble, founded 2007. Bao Anh Nguyen’s earlier career appearances as guest Principal Bassoon include: Shanghai Broadcasting Symphony, Macao Orchestra, Hong Kong City Chamber Orchestra, Malaysian National Symphony, Festival Orchestra (Bangkok), Shengzhen Symphony Orchestra.
Having studied with Martin Gatt, the former principal Bassoonist to the London Symphony Orchestra, currently/past Professor at the Royal College of Music in London, Nguyen successfully received the prestigious scholarship, “The Queen Elizabeth the Queen’s Mother Full Scholarship with maintenance”. He also attained the Concerto winner to perform Mozart’s Bassoon Concerto with Royal College of Music Chamber Orchestra.
Nguyen has appeared as a soloist and as the bassoon principal to several music festivals in Europe, including Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival Orchestra (Germany), Carinthia Music Festival (Austria), Pablo Casal’s Music Festival (France), the British Youth Opera (UK). He was chosen at audition by Asian Youth Orchestra to join the orchestra from 1992 to 1994 (Asia) and Scheswig-Holstein Festival Orchestra 1997 (Germany) performing under, Lucas Foss, Eri Klas, Sergiu Comissiona, Leonard Slatkin respectively.
Bao Anh is a versatile musician, not only as a chamber player and a soloist, but also as a guest principal Bassoon with various orchestras, namely in Seoul, Hong Kong, Macao, China, Malaysia, Thailand and his homeland, Vietnam. He has also appeared with the Opera Society of Hong Kong as Principal Bassoon consecutively since 2010.
He was a Member of the Symphony Orchestra of Next Generation under Maestro Shi-nik Halm( Seoul) And currently with Hong Kong Virtuosi.
Since 2016 Bao Anh became Artistic Consultant Saigon Philharmonic Orchestra (Saigon Vietnam), Current Director of the Hong Kong Bassoon Academy and Bauhinia Musik Haus (Hong Kong).
Bao Anh also has a Passionate interest in Tango music and film Photography.